Racial Justice Forum

ACTION hosted a Racial Justice Forum entitled “Anti-Racism at the Crossroads: Healing the Great Divide” on November 8, 2020. The event was virtual and featured guest speakers, Sr. Patricia Chappelle, president of the National Black Sisters’ Conference and Sr. Anne-Louise Nadeau, former Director of Porgrams at Pax Christi, USA.

A.C.T.I.O.N.’s Statement of Purpose for the Racial Justice Task force is to Educate, Inform and Preach to increase awareness with an understanding of how structural racism is based on White Privilege deeply rooted in societal practices.   Doing so is consistent with Community organizing which, at its heart, is the development of people and power.  Developing and engaging leaders with this critical information increase both power and capacity.

This very diverse and informational forum is geared to bringing the Community together.  It explores how structures, once constructed, can continue to persist without conscience input from anyone today.  Attendees were empowered beyond expectations.

As a grassroots organizing initiative, A.C.T.I.O.N. seeks to be broad-based and inclusive along racial, social, and economic lines.  Solid relationship-building initiated and maintained through extensive outreach is at the core of successful community organizing.

Patricia ChappelleSr. Patricia Chappelle, SNDdeN Sr. was the Executive Director of Pax Christi USA for 8 years and president of the National Black Sisters’ Conference for 5 years. Now the coordinator of her community’s antiracism team, she has long been involved in anti-racism work, helping religious communities confront the systemic racism within their congregations.

Anne-Louise NadeauSr. Anne-Louise Nadeau, SNDdeN After serving 8 years in ministry in Washington DC at Pax Christi, USA as Director of Programs Anne Louise is currently ministering on a bi-racial team facilitating, consulting and presenting anti-racism workshops to religious congregations of women and men in the United States.


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Seniors Offering Services

The program will start on Jan 4,2022 ,11:00 to 12:30 p.m. with Dr Lashale Pugh with a cooking demonstration. Pre-registration is required for programs 330 9410475 Rose Carter

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